What Is Sclerotherapy?
Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure used to eliminate varicose veins and spider veins. Sclerotherapy involves an injection of a solution (generally a salt solution) directly into the vein. The solution irritates the lining of the blood vessel, causing it to collapse and stick together and the blood to clot. Over time, the vessel turns into scar tissue that fades from view. Sclerotherapy is a proven procedure that has been in use since the 1930s.

What to Do Before Sclerotherapy?

Prior to sclerotherapy, you should avoid certain medications. Talk to your specialist about all medicines (including over-the-counter drugs, herbs, and dietary supplements) you are taking. If you need to take an antibiotic before sclerotherapy, contact your doctor. No lotion should be applied to the legs before the procedure.

What To Expect After Treatment?

Sclerotherapy generally does not require any recovery period. You will likely be able to walk immediately after the treatment. Avoid strenuous exercise for 1 week after the procedure. Walk every day for at least 10 minutes. Try not to sit or lie down for long periods of time.
Avoid exposing your legs to the sun for the first 2 weeks after the procedure.
You will probably have to wear compression stockings for a short time after having sclerotherapy.
Also, you should avoid the following for 48 hours after treatment:
  • Hot baths
  • Hot compresses
  • Whirlpools or saunas
  • Direct exposure to sunlight
  • Showers are permitted, but the water should be cooler than usual. The injection sites may be washed with a mild soap and tepid water.


Sclerotherapy is used to treat:

  • Spider veins and small veins that are not causing more serious problems.
  • Smaller varicose veins that come back after vein-stripping surgery.
  • Larger varicose veins, when minimally invasive techniques are used.
  • Sclerotherapy may be done alone or as a follow-up to surgery.

This treatment is not recommended to you if you:

  • Are pregnant or nursing women. It is not known whether the chemical (sclerosant) causes birth defects or gets into breast milk.
  • Have a history of allergy to sclerosant or similar substances.
  • Have blood clots or inflammation in the deep leg veins (deep vein thrombosis).
Sclerotherapy costs less than surgery, requires no hospital stay, and allows a quicker return to work and normal activities. Sclerotherapy can reduce symptoms and improve the look of the skin. It works in about 80 out of 100 people.

You may experience certain side effects after sclerotherapy. There are milder effects, such as itching, which can last for one or two days after the procedure. Also, you may experience raised, red areas at the injection site. These should disappear within a few days. Bruising may also occur around the injection site and can last several days or weeks.

It can take anywhere from three to 12 weeks for the treated veins to disappear completely.

Sclerotherapy also does NOT worsen existing veins or cause more spider veins to form. 7. Some patients, but not all, will need to wear compression hose after treatment.

This varies depending on the size of the veins and the extent of spider vein spreads. Most clients take two to four treatment sessions to get to near-complete results. While complete elimination of the veins is not guaranteed, most clients will see significant improvement in the weeks after the first treatment.

In most cases, they disappear within three to six months, but can be permanent about five percent of the time. Bruising may occur around the injection site and can last several days or weeks. In general, spider veins respond to sclerotherapy in three to six weeks, and larger veins respond in three to four months.

It is very important to avoid sun exposure to the treatment areas after sclerotherapy. Sun exposure can cause hyper- pigmentation (skin darkening) in treated areas. Wear protective clothing and a broad-spectrum sun block for at least 1 month after the treatment.